IT can feel frightening — like a clan of big scary monsters hidden in the wires and gadgets around your office. But the fear of the unknown can make us assume the worst. At Cimatri, we introduce you to the misunderstood creatures of IT.
We work hand in hand with you to assess your tech strategy, find better options, and then implement them or teach your team how to do it themselves. It’s all about getting the best choice for you in place while aligning your technology, processes, and people.
We’re committed to connecting the dots between IT strategy and results for mission-driven organizations.
Let us help you simplify your IT by ensuring you have the right technology, processes, and people in place.
We speak the language of association IT
Our team of IT experts are Certified Association Executives (CAE) who have spent over two decades specifically working with associations. There is no other technology consulting firm that knows the unique issues that you deal with like Cimatri does.
Chief Operating Officer
Executive Vice President, Strategic Services
Senior Consultant
Senior Consultant
Head of Construction Technology Practice
Business Analyst
Business Analyst
IT Analyst
Senior Consultant
Sr. Project Manager
Sr. Project Manager
Senior Consultant
“I think it’s the amount of experience they have from being in the association world and the IT world adds a lot of value in that it’s not just one vendor of one solution. They know all the vendors, they know all the solutions, so if you really want to know what the different options you have out there, they’re a great resource to get the real lay of the land, versus just pigeonhole yourself to what this one company does or it’s one solution does.”
David J.
Chief Financial Officer
“They really come in and work with the stakeholders to understand the challenges they’re having, and put that information into something that’s consumable and can be digested and discussed… It’s just really not your typical vendor relationship…You’re not dealing with someone that’s just concerned about the bottom line and charging for every little thing. They genuinely care and will work with you to understand the root of your problem and come up with a solution.”
Tracy D.
Head of Information Technology
We don’t sell software, and we don’t have any vested interest in the technology we recommend. Instead of pushing a particular product, we learn what you need and develop a customized strategy to solve both the problems you can see and the ones you can’t.
Whether we’re integrating the systems you already have, helping to fix critical IT issues you have now, or determining the best technology to match your processes, our goal is to be as invested in your organization’s technology health as you are.
Align your IT stack with your business plan and culture.
Integrate systems to reduce rework and save time and money.
Connect operations and C-Suite execs when it comes to IT goals.
Provide better member, vendor, and community experiences.
Safeguard transitions to new technologies or processes.
Simplify the jargon and processes to see behind the technical curtain.