How Satisfied Are Your Internal IT Customers? Cimatri’s User Satisfaction Assessment will tell you.  

IT user satisfaction is a question always on the mind of association management and your IT teams, but it’s difficult to answer if you base it on what is heard around the virtual (or IRL) water cooler.  Some staff may adhere to the “squeaky wheel gets the grease” syndrome, some may not want to upset their co-workers by being critical, and some may just work around any issues they are having with internal IT applications or infrastructure, finding their own solutions outside the IT awareness.   

Knowledge is powerful and the first step to understanding is to ask.  Cimatri, in partnership with InfoTech Research Group (ITRG), uses a proven survey tool to gather opinions from your end users in a consolidated manner. This in turn provides a data-driven view of how IT resources and services in your association are perceived. 

The Survey 

The User Satisfaction Assessment starts with a short survey (5 to 10 minutes) to staff, segmented by your departments or functional areas (excluding IT), asking key questions such as: 

  • Business Enablement: How satisfied are you with IT’s ability to enable the organization to achieve its goals? 
  • IT Communications: How satisfied are you with IT’s ability to communicate with you regarding the information you need to do your job effectively?  
  • IT Services: How satisfied are you that the services provided by IT allow you to do your job effectively? 
  • Suite of Applications: How satisfied are you that the suite of applications provided by IT allows you to do your job effectively? 

The survey questions drill down further on these main topics and include scoring on training, technology innovation, IT agility, and service desk timeliness, among other topics. There is the ability to add a limited number of your own questions to the survey, so you get to ask “that” question that has been bothering you.  In addition, each end user will have the ability to add comments about each topic, further deepening your insight into what they really think.   

Source Figure 1 - ITRG/Cimatri Sample User Assessment Results – 
Comparison of Department Satisfaction to Organization Satisfaction for IT 

Survey Results 

Once survey results have been compiled by ITRG and Cimatri, you gain insight through data on how IT works at your organization. Scoring includes overall scores, scoring by topic, scoring by department, and net promoter scores, along with end-user comments at every level.  The survey results can by anonymized for sharing.  A review with Cimatri consultants further enhances your ability to understand what the results mean to your organization.   

Source Figure 2 - ITRG/Cimatri Sample Net Promoter Score User Assessment Results 

Benefit to You 

Using Cimatri’s User Satisfaction Assessment is a unique and quick way to get a true sense of the state of IT within your organization.  You move from possible opinion to a data-driven overview of where you are, which of course presents you with the clear insight needed to move ahead to where you want to be.  And using this tool year after year allows you further insight into where your IT function has progressed.

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