Data Quality Assessment: Everything you Need to Know 

One of the most consistent challenges that organizations face is maintaining data quality in business systems. The ultimate measure of data quality is business satisfaction, and only the business can define it. The Data Quality Diagnostic is a low-effort, high-impact program designed to help you understand, assess, and improve key organizational data quality issues. 

What is the Data Quality Assessment  

The Data Quality Diagnostic Program provides you with detailed report cards showing the business’s evaluation of data quality, so you can focus your improvement efforts to meet their needs and ensure your business stakeholders can make decisions based on quality data. This program will help your IT department:  

Measure Business Satisfaction with Data Quality  

  • See the big picture with an overall Data Quality Scorecard.  
  • Get business leader assessments against 9 dimensions of data quality.  
  • Uncover opportunities by system and department.  

     Identify and Address Unmet Needs  

  • Opportunities to improve business processes with data often go unidentified.  
  • Identify the most important & error-prone fields identified by the business.   
  • Work with your key stakeholders to ensure they are satisfied. 

Schedule and Delivery Training Immediately  

  • Untrained consumers of data create more data quality issues.  
  • Get a list of leaders and teams requiring training and what they need help with most.  
  • Deliver focused training that will deliver the most value.  

Create & Execute a Business Leader Engagement Plan  

  • Work with your team to determine key stakeholders who require better data quality.   
  • Assign a manager for each relationship and plan out meeting objectives and frequency.   
  • Engage individual business leaders around their data needs.   

What are the benefits? 

Data from Info-Tech’s CIO Business Vision Diagnostic, which represents over 400 business stakeholders, shows that data quality is very important while satisfaction with data quality is low.​ 

However, when data quality satisfaction hit a threshold, it became less important. This illustrates that data quality means tolerance, not perfection. Infotech’s data quality reports will help your organization get a better understanding of what dimensions of your data’s quality are most important to adding value for the users.  

“Data Quality means tolerance, not perfection”  

Here is what you will receive in your report:  

Data Quality Scorecard 

  • Assess Data Quality Satisfaction at a glance.  
  • Evaluate Data Quality across 9 Dimensions of Quality.  
  • Determine which areas are the most critical.  

Department Summary

  • Compare Satisfaction across Departments.  
  • Determine which Departments are most reliant on data and least satisfied.  

     Training View

  • Book training sessions immediately for quick wins.  
  • Determine specific training needs or if there are specific requests or concerns from stakeholders.  


  • Understand data issues at an individual respondent level.  
  • Uncover which data is most important and most error-prone.  

How does it work? 

You will select the database most essential to your organization and the stakeholders who actively use the chosen application will complete the survey.  For most of the associations we work with, they choose to evaluate the data in their association management system (AMS).  

Participants will be asked to respond to seven questions. We anticipate this will take 5-10 minutes. Survey questions may be customized to resonate more with your participants; however, you cannot remove questions or change their core meaning. 

We target participation of 70-75% of invited participants. For smaller organizations with fewer invitees, we recommend a target participation of 100%. 

The survey typically runs for two weeks. Once the survey has been completed you will receive the report as well as a readout on how to interpret the results. 

Getting Started 

If you’re ready to start your journey of restoring stakeholder confidence in your most important data, learn more about our Data Quality Assessment here.


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